Upper East Side Veterinary Center

Continuing to serve your pet during difficult times


Please be advised that effective immediately we have made some changes to our daily functions to maintain efficient scheduled appointments while keeping all staff and clients as safe as possible during these stressful times. We want to stress to all our clients that we are doing the best we possibly can to physically be available to all our clients and patients and to address everyone's needs…...however there will be some situations that we will take some time for us to be able to address or attend to. We have VERY LIMITED staff (only 50% staff), limited availability and limited resources. We have implemented different ways to improve communication with our clients as we know everyone has many questions and concerns and may be limited to travel. Given the fact that we are limited we wanted to make everyone aware that until our daily lives return back to “normal” we may have to make the following recommendations as we feel fit for your pet and their medical needs or status. Please see below what we ask all our clients to adhere to and ask for everyone's support and patience through these times.

  • Allow 24 hrs to refill prescriptions
  • Please allow 1-2hrs for all drop off appointments
  • Please have a phone available at all times to allow doctor/client communication
  • Please remember to bring back your dogs leash at pick up time
  • We will only allow 1-2 same pet parents into the vestibule at a time to drop-off and pick-up pets. Please wait until people have exited before entering
  • Please call front desk when you have arrived or are picking up your pet
  • Please call front desk when you have arrived to pick up medication/supplies
  • All medications/preventatives and prescription diets must be paid before pickup
  • Annuals and well visits are limited, please call ahead to schedule desired dates/times
  • NO EMPLOYEE will retrieve a patient from anyones car, home etc clients must bring their patients up to the front door to the nurse. UNLESS the patient is unable to walk (PLEASE CALL FOR SPECIAL NEEDS)
  • We have limited appointments available per day, please be patient as we try to schedule everyone appropriately. Urgent care appointments will get priority and will be triaged as a case by case basis
  • Every client MUST have a face mask on when interacting with staff (NO EXCEPTIONS)

Thank you all for your continued support and understanding. We understand that everyone is under a tremendous amount of stress and we appreciate you all helping us navigate and entrusting in us to care for your fur babies. We look forward to having and seeing everyone back soon!!

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