In March of 1956, a sock puppet named Lamb Chop® captured children’s hearts across the nation on the Captain Kangaroo Show. Ventriloquist and puppeteer Shari Lewis was the creator of...
When it comes to your pet, there is nothing more important than their health. Part of that is maintaining their schedule, ensuring a well-balanced diet and an exercise routine...
Throughout the year, we receive hundreds upon hundreds of toys, clothing, accessories and personal care products for our spokesdog, Brioreo, to test out. For this year’s PAWliday, we...
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Jordan Lippner is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Southampton Animal Shelter Foundation. Jordan is a committed animal advocate who believes that animals enhance our lives and...
Roughly 15 years ago, my wife and I started an animal advocacy organization called Rock & Rawhide. Its mission was to increase the level of adoptions of dogs and cats in shelters and rescues through...
As the Holiday Season arrives, so do new challenges for pet parents, particularly new ones. With adoption levels lower this season than in prior years, we wanted to spend some time helping those who may be...
Once you start rescuing animals, it becomes an addiction you can’t, or rather don’t want to, shake. I started at the ripe old age of six. Yes, my first rescue came in the form of a wild kitten born in a cornfield in...