By Pamela Smythe Woods
Fido and Fifi (your kitty) deserve true love or at least, a date on Saturday night. It's an even bet that curbside encounters are unfulfilling. Kiss 'n sniff gets so shallow. So for the pet parent who is looking to find a soulmate for their four-legged friend, we at PET LIFESTYLES have the answer.
We can't quite say "4 legged soulmates are us" but we can recommend a NEW pet dating app: PINDER...this new pet-centric relationship website makes pet hookups a sniff - or at least a click away. For four-legged users ONLY.
Sure pet parents can go to Tinder for their dates but humans frankly are yesterday's news. Meaning for a pet, why hide behind a two legged pet parent when you in all your four-legged glory can decide who you want to hook up with? From one night stands to relationships, it is up to YOU, Fido or FiFi to decide who out of all eligible singles on PINDER catches your fancy. Says founder Kevin Botero "Pinder may mirror the effective format of Tinder only we have translated the idea into a pet-friendly, pet-centric phenomenon."
Whether you are a pup from out West looking to connect with a city slicker or a native son (New Yorker born and bred) who is a rocker in disguise, or hey, even a "farm animal," as precious livestock, ie pigs, cows or goats may be concerned, PINDER can help you find a kindred spirit.